This is nifty. In a surprise address on Wednesday, YouTube announced that its streaming live TV service is now available on Apple TV devices. In a tweet telling Apple TV owners to check the App Store, the official YouTube TV account disclosed that its app is now available on tvOS-based devices. The launch, which had […]
Category: TvOS
You’ve been hankering for it and it’s here. Months after Apple CEO Tim Cook’s announcement of it back at WWDC in June, the Amazon Prime Video app for the Apple TV is here. The app, which is designed for tvOS, may not show up in a tvOS app store search, but can generally be located […]
Only a few days after the release of iOS 11.2, Apple has released tvOS 11.2 for the fourth-gen Apple TV and the Apple TV 4K. The most notable change is the addition of the Sports section to TV. The “Sports” tab joins the previous options of “Watch Now,” “Library,” “Store” and “Search.” It features quick […]
If you’re looking for additional sports goodness via your iOS device or Apple TV, Apple may have some good stuff coming your way. Apple’s TV app has finally gained the live sports integration announced months ago. The dedicated sports section now appears to be live on the TV app on latest betas of iOS and […]
Apple has expanded the universal search options on the Apple TV and Apple TV 4K, improving coverage in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. U.S.-based customers can now search for TV show and movie titles through the Classix, Oxygen and BBC America app. New Canadian listings include Classix, Treehouse, FXNOW Canada, ICI and CBC […]