Hardware PowerBook 15-Inch

Aluminum PowerBook 15 Confirmed for This Week

PowerPage sources come through again with reliable data on the new PowerBook 15-inch announcement. Read more…

Announcement PowerBook 15-Inch

PowerBook Updates Coming Tomorrow?

MacRumors is reporting that the long-awaited Aluminum PowerBook 15-inch and updates to the PowerBook 12 and 17-inch could arrive as soon as tomorrow. This common thread between them appears to predict across the board PowerBook updates as early as next week — with 12″, 15″ and 17″ Powerbook models finally seeing updates. The rumors all […]

Accessory PowerBook 15-Inch

Compushell Provides Industrial Grade PowerBook Protection

Protect your investment! The CompuShell should be on every PowerBook users ?must have? list. Finally, a beautiful industrial grade enclosure that your Powerbook stays in full time with access to all the ports and drives.

Hardware PowerBook 15-Inch

Aluminum PowerBook 15-Inch Still In Beta, PB17 EOL

According to PowerPage sources Apple engineers are still having some problems with some aspects of the new Aluminum PowerBook 15-inch. The issues are not significant but they aren’t fixed yet either. Read More…

Macworld Expo PowerBook 15-Inch

Is "One More Thing" Going to be Something?

Apple newsletter hints of new product introduction by “Joz” during his feature presentation at Macworld Creative Pro next week in New York city.