
Inside the big Switch: the iPod and the Future of Apple

ArsTechnica’s Jon Stokes shares some insight on Apple’s switch to Intel processors and the company’s dysfunctional relationship with IBM and Motorola: As I said in my previous post on the 970MP and FX unveiling, the new PowerPC processor announcements from IBM raise a number of questions about timing, like, when will these parts be available? […]


Why Apple Won't Suffer the Osborne Effect

RoughlyDrafted: Tech columnists love to rehash old stories and suggest the future will play out just like a vaguely similar event from the past. But as old stories are retold, they become celebrated legends that eventually grossly distort what actually happened.


Dvorak: Spyware and Viruses to Emerge on Mac

PC Magazine: “In his latest column for PC Magazine, John Dvorak envisions a scenario where spyware and viruses emerge on the Mac platform. Dvorak believes PC users will inevitably find a way of installing Mac OS X for Intel on their generic machines. As a result, Apple will likely release a version of Mac OS […]


Think Different on Apple v. Does

Surfette: Children have nearly cured me of swearing. In public. But sometimes only profanity will serve. Yesterday’s performance by Apple Computer comes to mind. This post is designed for non-technology journalists who continue to hold bloggers at an arm’s distance. I’m here to recommend you become familiar with the performance of a company where the […]


Relax, You're Not Losing Your Mac

Apple made the announcement this week that they’d be transitioning the chipset at the heart of the Mac again, and the entire Mac community seems to be wailing and gnashing their collective teeth. It’s the end, they say. What will we do? How about relax? Read More…