Following the launch of the new Mac MacBook Air on Monday, Apple has also adjusted the trade-in values of several machines in its lineup. Some units, such as the MacBook Pro and Mac Studio, have increased in value while others have depreciated. Trade-in prices for the MacBook Pro, Mac Studio, and MacBook have increased, while […]
Category: Mac mini
If you’re looking for more Windows gaming support on your Mac, you’re going to like this. CodeWeavers on Thursday announced CrossOver 24, the newest version of its Windows compatibility layer for macOS and Linux that allows Mac users to run both productivity apps and games. The newest version includes general fixes to how CrossOver can […]
Apple announces $33.9 billion profit on $119.6 billion in revenue for Q1 2024 results
You can’t sneeze at a quarterly profit of $33.9 billion. Apple on Thursday announced its Q1 quarterly results, which correspond to the fourth quarter of 2023. During the announcement, the company posted revenue of $119.6 billion and net quarterly profit of $33.9 billion, or $2.18 per diluted share, compared to revenue of $117.2 billion and […]
505 Games points to late January release date for “Death Stranding: Directors Cut” on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad
You’ve been hankering for “Death Stranding” goodness on Apple devices and it’s almost here. Following a short delay, “Death Stranding: Directors Cut” will ship for the iPad, Mac, and iPhone 16 in the final days of January, its current App Store listing suggests that it should be out by January 31. Death Stranding: Director’s Cut […]
Apple changes App Store rules and policies, eases the path for game streaming app creation for developers
If you’re looking to use game streaming apps on your Apple devices, the rules have just become a bit less restrictive to do so. Apple is updating its App Store policies to relent on a longstanding ban on game streaming apps. Developers are now allowed to submit a single app that can contain a catalog […]