It looks like Apple’s letting some of its iMac inventory peter out as it looks towards an Apple Silicon future. Only hours after officially discontinuing the iMac Pro, Apple has also discontinued the 512GB and 1TB SSD configurations of the 4K 21.5-inch iMac. As of February, both the 512GB and 1TB SSD options became unavailable for […]
Category: Mac Desktop
It looks like Apple’s anticipated Mini LED iPad Pro could enter mass production in mid to late April, and the OLED iPads could surface in 2022. Per a research note from Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, investors have been advised that the updated iPad Pro could be released in the first half of 2021. “According to […]
Apple couldn’t have asked for a better quarter. The company posted $111.4 billion in revenue and a net profit of $33.5 for the first quarter of 2021, showing double digit growth across all product categories. The results represent 21 percent growth on the $91.8 billion in revenue seen for Q1 2020. The gross margin of […]
Following up on the rumor that Apple is working on an iMac redesign for 2021, the company is also rumored to be planning two new versions of the Mac Pro desktop. The first version will offer the same design as the current Mac Pro and one version that is “less than half the size” of […]
Everything changes eventually, and Apple is rumored to be planning a significant redesign to its iMac desktop computer. The move would mark the first major change to the system since its 2012 conversion to the “slim” design that has become ubiquitous today. It’s that the the new design would be similar to the Apple’s Pro […]