
Two New iTunes Features

Pixel from iPodBank posts this: Ever heard a song on TV and wished you could buy the song but just didn’t know what the song title was? Well, Apple has debuted two new iTunes “features” that may help you out. The first is “Commercial Success.” There are currently 26 songs available for download and they […]


iTunes 6.02 not Spyware

It appears that the 6.0.2 update to iTunes sends information to the Apple Music store about what’s currently playing, and will make recommendations. BoingBoing has the story, and some analysis about what’s happening at the bottom of the page. In case you’re wondering the Apple recommend-ware is disguised as a “mini store” that appears in […]

iTunes Software

iTunes 6.0.1 Released

Version 1 was pink notes, version two was blue notes, version 3 was a single purple note, and version 4 and ever since has been the single green note…. I swear, this is the last free software from Apple I will download if they don’t get on the ball.

iTunes Software

PowerPage Wishlist: iTunes (Mega Update)

Let’s face it. iTunes 4 is getting a little long in the tooth and is in desperate need of an update. The industry-standard application for syncing the iPod and for buying music online is beginning to show signs of old age. If Apple is going to continue its domination it needs to revise iTunes pretty […]

iTunes Mobile Phone

Nokia Announces iTunes Compatible Phone – 6230i (Updated)

The guys at PhoneScoop have posted a news item about Nokia’s brand-new 6230i mobile phone that plays M4A protected files from the iTunes Music Store. Read More..