Apple Apple Silicon Business Hardware iPod iPod Nano iPod shuffle iPod Touch music News Processors retail

Apple discontinues seventh-generation iPod touch model, officially retiring the “iPod” product line

After 20 years, Apple is finally discontinuing its iPod lineup. The move comes with the company officially discontinuing the iPod touch, which will be available only “while supplies last.” As such, the “iPod” brand will be officially retired, as the iPod touch was the last iPod in Apple’s lineup.  The first iPod touch was introduced in 2007 […]

Apple Music Hardware iPhone iPod iPod Nano iPod shuffle iPod Touch iTunes Lightning Rumor USB-C

Rumor: Apple may be looking to expand upon iPod line in 2019

Let’s face it, it’s been a while since the iPod was Apple’s flagship gadget. With the passing of the iPod Classic, the iPod Nano, and the iPod Shuffle, and with only the iPod Touch keeping the name alive, it seems as if a dedicated Apple music player might be going the way of the dodo. […]

Hardware iPod Nano News

Apple recategorizes sixth-gen iPod nano as obsolete, discontinues obligatory repairs and service for device

As neat as the sixth-generation iPod nano is, it’s now officially obsolete. Apple has updated its web site, stating that the device is no longer supported by Apple customer service for repair or servicing. The move comes after Apple discontinued the entire iPad nano and iPod shuffle brands earlier this year. Now that the sixth-generation […]

iPod iPod Nano iPod shuffle iPod Touch News retail

Apple discontinues iPod nano, iPod Shuffle, reduces iPod touch price to $199

The iPod nano and iPod Shuffle are no more. Early Thursday, Apple removed the iPod nano and iPod shuffle from both its web site and online store around the world. The company confirmed that the units have been discontinued, but continues to sell the iPod touch with updated pricing and storage, including a 32GB model […]

iPod Nano News Software

Apple releases standalone firmware update for seventh-gen iPod nano, remains quiet about specific changes

It was a weird and quiet update, but maybe it’s critical. Apple on Wednesday quietly released a standalone update for the recently-released seventh-generation iPod nano, the update offering a set of unspecified changes to the operating system. The update is listed as v1.0.4, and unlike iOS releases it can only be downloaded and installed via […]