Apple Business Hardware iPad iPhone iPhone 6 iPod News

Apple adds iPhone 6 Plus, fourth-generation iPad to vintage products list

No matter what, your devices are going to eventually become vintage/obsolete. Apple has now classified the iPhone 6 Plus and fourth-generation iPad as vintage, meaning servicing and repair options are extremely limited. Apple first defines a device as “vintage” when it has not been on sale for five years. Up to then, Apple will provide […]

Apple Apps Developer Hack iOS iPad iPad Air iPad mini iPhone iPhone iPhone 6 Malware News privacy security Software

Apple releases iOS 12.5.4 security update for older iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices

If you have an older iOS device, this is going to come in handy. Apple on Monday released an iOS 12.5.4 security update for older iOS devices that patches three vulnerabilities, two of which may have already been exploited in the wild. The fixes focus on two WebKit vulnerabilities alongside a certificate vulnerability. The release […]

Apple Hardware iOS iPad iPad Air iPad mini iPad Pro iPhone iPhone 12 iPhone 6 iPhone SE retail Rumor Software

Rumor: iOS 15 dropping support for iPhone 6s, iPhone SE, and more

The current word around the water cooler is that Apple’s iOS 15 operating system would lose support for older devices such as the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and the original iPhone SE. Per French web site iPhoneSoft, the update will seemingly drop support for devices with an A9 chip when it launches later in […]

App Store Apple Apps Developer Hardware Health HealthKit iOS iPad iPad Air iPad mini iPhone iPhone iPhone 6 News Software

Apple releases iOS 12.5.1 update, brings Exposure Notification feature to older iPhones, iPads

If you have an older iPhone or iPad, this is going to come in handy. Apple on Monday released its iOS 12.5.1 update, which offers fixes related to the COVID-19 Exposure Notification feature which was added to older iPhones in December. Prior to this, Apple had released an iOS 12.5 feature for devices that could not update […]

App Store Apple Apps Developer Health HealthKit iOS iPhone iPhone iPhone 6 iPhone SE News Software

Apple releases COVID-19 Exposure Notifications for older iPhones running iOS 12, iOS 13

If you have an older iPhone, this is important. Older iPhone users with devices that don’t support iOS 14, including the iPhone 6, can now access COVID-19 exposure notifications. As of Tuesday, Apple released iOS 12.5 for older iPhone models, thereby enabling devices like the extremely popular iPhone 6 will now be able to switch […]