iOS News security

WireLurker security paper released, discusses potential next generation of OS X, iOS malware

Not that you should be entirely paranoid about malware on your OS X and iOS devices, but a little caution couldn’t hurt. Per Palo Alto Networks, a new paper has been published on WireLurker, a family of malware targeting both Mac OS and iOS systems for the past six months. It’s believed that WireLurker could […]

iOS News Software

Google Maps to see significant update, new features, OpenTable and Uber support over next few days

Over the next few days, Google Maps will receive a significant update and start sporting some neat new features. Per the company’s blog entry, Google Maps will start displaying the following changes in its user interface: – Bold colors and textures to match the Material Design style being used in many of Google’s applications. – […]

iOS Software

Swype receives iOS 8 update, support for 20 additional languages, other changes

Nuance Communications announced on Tuesday that its popular Swype keyboard for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users with iOS 8 is now available in more than 20 languages. Other new features include new intuitive emoji support, as well as new keyboard layouts. And iPad users can now access all available Swype themes. Swype’s pioneering continuous […]

iOS iPhone News retail

CurrentC exclusivity contract at MCX merchants to expire in matter of months

The conflict between MCX’s CurrentC and Apple Pay may be short lived, as an exclusivity agreement that has caused some merchants involved in the MCX consortium — notably drug store chain CVS — to abruptly pull support for NFC-based payment systems, including Apple Pay and Google Wallet, is set to expire in “months,” according to […]

Finance iOS News Software

Apple Pay fans tears down CurrentC’s App Store rating, MCX suggests possible switch to NFC technology

The most recent volley in the NFC payment war between Apple Pay and the MCX consortium’s CurrentC mobile payment service has been fired. And it has a lot to do with app reviews. Per 9to5Mac, a number of users have expressed their displeasure with the CurrentC app, at the time of writing, the app having […]