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Black Friday sales for Mac users

Hopefully the tryptophan has worn off and you are ready to rush madly to your computer and start fighting for those Black Friday sales! I just thought I’d put up a few of the online stores and items that are on sale to get you started. Many of these sales didn’t post their sales until […]

Accessory Announcement Consumer Electronics Gadget

Pebble announces SDK 2.0 and better iOS notifications

Wednesday morning, via streaming video, Pebble’s CEO Eric Migicovsky opened up the presentation with an overview of the upcoming additions to the Pebble smart-watch’s capabilities which will be unlocked with the release of the Pebble SDK (Software Development Kit) version 2.0. You can read the main points from his introduction on the Pebble Blog, which also […]

Accessory Firewire Gadget iMac Mac Desktop Peripheral Review

Moshi iLynx Review

By David Klein Moshi’s latest product, the iLynx, immediately caught my eye at January’s Macworld convention in San Francisco. When I saw Moshi’s booth I ran over to see what they had coming in the near future. My first question was: “What is that and when can I buy it?!” (Yes, I love cool looking […]


Palm Kills the Foolio

Palm Inc. (PALM) said Tuesday it will take a charge of less than US$10 million as it cancels a planned new companion device for its Treo smartphone. Dubbed the Foleo, the sub-notebook-like device was referred to as the Foolio by its critics because it was sort of a smartphone and sort of of a laptop […]


We Want Your Apple TV Stories #2

With about a month having passed between the Apple TV‘s release and today and an active community working on hacks, workarounds and new features for the device, we want your current stories about what you’ve done with yours: What was your first impression of the machine? Was it easy to set up? Did you have […]