Announcement Apple Business Finance

Apple earnings good but not great

The business and financial markets are a kooky thing. You can make a ton of money, even more than the previous year, but if it’s not as much as other people expected, you’ve failed. That is essentially what Wall Street is saying after todays earnings announcement from Apple. As a result, Apple stock price fell […]

Announcement App Store Apple Apps Business Finance iOS iPhone Software

Apple’s iOS App Store nets $10 billion in 2013

According to an announcement by Apple on Tuesday, the company took home more than $10 billion last year from iOS app sales. Christmas sales put them over the top with customers downloading almost 3 billion apps, making December Apple’s most lucrative and successful month in the App Store’s history. BusinessWire’s coverage of the record setting sales quoted […]

Announcement Apple Business Finance

Apple to hold it’s fiscal Q1 2014 earnings call on January 27 at 5PM ET/2PM PT

Apple posted the date of its first quarter earnings release and conference call on its Investor web page, announcing the date to be January 27th. MacRumors notes that the release will… “… provide a look into initial iPad Air and Retina iPad mini sales during their first quarter of availability as well as iPhone 5s and […]

Apple Business Finance News

Tim Cook takes self-inflicted pay cut

I remember the days of Gil Amelio (sorry to single you out Gil) and other CEOs of Apple who basically ‘took the money and ran’. In those days, the “golden parachute” was the norm for essentially kicking out CEOs who weren’t helping the company. Definitely a weird practice. Then Steve Jobs came back and famously […]

App Store Apple Finance iOS iPhone Software The Apple Core

Apple and Bitcoin, oil and water?

One of my terrible regrets is that I didn’t hop on the Bitcoin train when I had the chance. I read about it, created an account, had one of my computers generate some coin (took forever), and decided it wasn’t worth my time to fart around with unrecognized virtual currency. If I had left that […]