On Tuesday, Apple dropped the latest build of OS X 10.9.1 to developers for testing. Apple is asking developers to focus on Mail, Safari, Graphics Drivers and VoiceOver. The OS update appears to focus on the Mail app with more Gmail fixes in the works. Here are the posted improvements for the update: Improved support for […]
Category: Developer
Earlier this year at WWDC, Apple introduced iBeacon, a technology that would be introduced as part of iOS 7 and new Apple hardware. iBeacon utilizes BlueTooth LE (Low Energy) to provide very precise location data to your device, which can either provide detailed directions inside a building, like a mall, or give you information about […]
iOS developers should be happy. According to a report on 9to5Mac, developers have been logging into their accounts and finding that they have 100 available promo codes per app version to dole out rather than the normal 50. There has yet to be any announcement or confirmation of the change from Apple, but this could […]