Apple Apps Developer Health iOS iPad iPhone iPhone Mac macOS News Software

Apple Maps update forthcoming, will directly display COVID-19 testing locations in your area

This will definitely come in handy, and hopefully point out the nearest COVID-19 testing location via Apple Maps to your device. Apple on Saturday launched an online portal for healthcare providers, labs, and other businesses, to register as COVID-19 testing locations. The ā€ŒApple Mapsā€Œ team will then review the application, and upon approval the location […]

Apple Bluetooth Developer Google Health Mac News Software

Apple to partner with Google on Coronavirus contact tracing project

Apple on Friday announced that it will partner with Google on a contact tracing technology that can be used to slow and contain the spread of diseases. Contact tracingĀ is the process of trying to identify people who may have come into contact with an infected person. By tracing these contacts, testing them for infections, and […]

Apple Apps Developer Health Mac macOS News privacy security Software

Zoom installation operating as a superuser under macOS, operating under questionable practices

As useful as Zoom has become, especially in the wake of Coronavirus and the need to videoconference, the company’s once again in hot water over how some of its software operates. In addition to taking flak for not encrypting its data end to end, a developer has noted that Zoom installs into the macOS without […]

Apple Developer iCloud iOS News privacy security

iOS 14 beta hints at iCloud Keychain support for two-factor authentication codes

It looks like new changes, including support for two-factor authentication codes within the iCloud Keychain, are en route for iOS 14. Per an early build of the upcoming operating system, users will find the following new security features: Users will receive a warning if they reuse a password. Support for two-factor authentication codes. Currently, iOS […]

Apple battery Developer Hardware iOS iPhone iPhone iPhone 6 News Software Touch ID

iOS 13.4.5 beta references point towards CarKey feature as well as an upcoming iPhone with Touch ID and Express Card support

Once again, it’s the beta software and its references that offer a hint as to some neat stuff to come. The iOS 13.4.5 beta, which was released on Tuesday to developers, features additional hints as to the new CarKey API, which can allow a user to lock, unlock, and start a car. The new code […]