Apple on Tuesday announced its third-generation Apple Pencil for iPad, the new unit arriving with a matte finish, a hidden, USB-C charging port, and a lower price point of $79. The new $79 Apple Pencil joins the Apple Pencil (2nd generation) and the Apple Pencil (1st generation) as a more affordable alternative. In terms of […]
Category: battery
Sometimes weird issues just pop up. A number of users have reported that their iPhones have begun rebooting at strange intervals as well as powering down overnight, sometimes causing alarms to be missed. It’s not presently known as to what may be causing the issue, which seems to be affecting a wide array of iPhone […]
This is why they write software updates and patches. Per a thread on Reddit, Severally user complaints have pointed to iPhone alarms failing to go off as scheduled: Hijacking top comment. Check your battery settings and see if there is a gap during the night. Yesterday a lot of iPhones turned off for a few […]
Apple’s next-gen MacBook Pro batteries could be further boosted by even more efficient backlighting on the upcoming notebook models. According to a report from DigiTimes, Apple is working towards using brighter miniLEDs for its next-gen MacBook Pro displays. The units are expected to be more efficient, but won’t increase the brightness level of the displays. […]
Following up pretty quickly on things, Apple released its iOS 17.0.3 and iPadOS 17.0.3 updates for the iPad on Wednesday. The The iOS 17.0.3 update addresses a significant overheating issue on the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. Shortly after the new iPhone 15 models launched, customers began complaining that the iPhone 15 […]