Announcement Apple AppleCare Hardware iPhone Retail Store

Apple will be offering in-store iPhone display replacements

According to MacRumors, Apple is rolling out a repair policy for iPhone 5S and 5C display replacements and other repairs, where they will be done within the store’s own repair facilities, rather than replacing the entire phone. This is part of a move by Apple to reduce repair costs on new iPhones. This may reduce costs […]

Announcement Apple Hardware iPad Air Retail Store

iPad Air hits the stores

It’s November 1st, and that means new hardware, if you’re an iPad fan. The iPad Air, announced recently in Apple’s October 22nd event, hit the online stores early this morning, and are no doubt hitting Apple’s retail shelves to be available when the stores open today. Prices in the United States start at $499 for the 16 […]


Happy Labor Day from O’Grady’s PowerPage

Ladies and gentlemen, Labor Day is upon us and with that in mind, the staff of O’Grady’s PowerPage will be taking the day off to be with friends, family and awesome barbecued food. As you should be, too. Swing back tomorrow for the latest in Mac mobile news and have a safe and happy holiday, […]


Happy 4th of July from the PowerPage!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, the staff of O’Grady’s PowerPage would like to wish you an amazing Fourth of July. We’ll be taking the day off to celebrate the holiday with friends and family. That being said, put down the computers and gadgets for the day, whip up some tasty food and drinks, hang out with the […]


Happy Memorial Day from O’Grady’s PowerPage!

Ladies and gentlemen, the staff of the PowerPage will be taking Memorial Day off to spend time with friends and families. And while there’ll obviously be some Mac and iOS device use, they’ll also be in pursuit of tasty barbecue as well. So, take some time today, spend it with the people close to you […]