The picture says it all. Apple has sent out the long-awaited official invitations for its media event on Tuesday, September 12th. The invitations confirm the rumor that Apple will hold the event in the just-completed Steve Jobs Theater on the company’s new campus in Cupertino, California. The event is slated to begin at 10 AM […]
Category: Announcement
Folks, it’s the Fourth of July here in America, which means that the staff of the PowerPage will be taking the day off to spend time with friends, family, amazing food and rather loud, explode-y things. We suggest you do the same. Enjoy the holiday, disconnect from your Mac and your iOS devices a little […]
Ladies and gents, Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off today in San Jose on Monday. The keynote will begin on Monday at 2 PM PST and we’ll provide full coverage of the highly-anticipated announcements as they become available. Stick around, the news shall be forthcoming and you can catch the livestream here from the moment […]
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Memorial Day and the staff of O’Grady’s PowerPage will be taking the day off to spend time with friends and family as well as pay respect to our nation’s veterans for their service. We’ll be back tomorrow, so get together with some friends, put the Macs and devices aside for a […]
There’s some killer stuff ahead in the Apple universe this week, including a planned media event, forthcoming details about the next-gen iPhone and other devices. Still, it’s Labor Day, the end of a really fun long weekend and the perfect time to disconnect a bit and spend time with friends, family and really tasty food. […]