
Best PowerBook Travel Power

Most of the “airline adapters” you see in the catalogs cost US$80-$100, and they use the special “airline” plug. However, the only US airline I know of that actually has power outlets in coach (American) uses the old 12-volt cigarette-lighter-style outlets.

Most of the “airline adapters” you see in the catalogs cost US$80-$100, and they use the special “airline” plug. However, the only US airline I know of that actually has power outlets in coach (American) uses the old 12-volt cigarette-lighter-style outlets.

I was very happy when I saw this US$40, 60-watt inverter for lighter outlets at Radio Shack.

On my last cross-country flight, I plugged this little thing into the outlet, plugged my PBG4 AC adapter into it, and had full power all the way across! Neither the inverter not the adapter got unusualy warm, so it wasn’t a strain on either one. And though I haven’t tried it, the same setup should work just fine for charging or using a PB in the car.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.