Consumer Electronics Fun Gadget News privacy

Amazon CEO announces plans for drone delivery fleet

I had to check the calendar to make sure it wasn’t April 1st (seriously, I usually can’t remember what month it is), but apparently Jeff Bezos has every intention of delivering packages using autonomous helicopter drones flown straight to your doorstep, or personal heli-pad, in 30 minutes or less. He does admit that it is […]

Apple Consumer Electronics Holiday iMac iPad iPod Touch Mac mini MacBook Air MacBook Pro Retail Store

Apple posts Christmas delivery order details

With the next big shopping holiday just around the corner, shoppers have to think ahead if they want to beat the shipping avalanche before Christmas. To help its iShoppers this holiday season, Apple has posted a delivery guide to help make sure that everyone’s iGoodie is safely under the tree in time to give Santa […]

Announcement Apple iTunes Music Store iTunes Radio News Services

Apple in a buying mood, acquires social analytics firm Topsy

Apple seems to be pretty busy this quarter buying up companies. Apple reportedly bought social-media analytics firm Topsy Labs Inc. for more than $200 million. According to The Wall Street Journal, Topsy’s tools can decipher how often a term is tweeted, find an influential person on a specific subject, or measure the exposure of an event or […]

Accessory Apple battery Cases Consumer Electronics Gadget iMac iPad iPad Air iPad mini iPod iPod Touch Mac Pro MacBook Air MacBook Pro Peripheral retail Websites

Black Friday sales for Mac users

Hopefully the tryptophan has worn off and you are ready to rush madly to your computer and start fighting for those Black Friday sales! I just thought I’d put up a few of the online stores and items that are on sale to get you started. Many of these sales didn’t post their sales until […]

Announcement App Store Apple Apps iOS iPad iPhone iPod Touch Mobile Phone Software Software

Doctor Who: Legacy – new mobile game launching on Wednesday

Are you having Doctor Who withdrawal now that all the 50th Anniversary hubbub is over? Can’t wait until the Christmas episode? Well have no fear, the Doctor is here…in this game I’m going to talk about. According to PadGadget, BBC Worldwide in cooperation with Tiny Rebel Games and Seed Studio, is releasing a new mobile […]