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Arvada, Colorado police department begins giving away free AirTags, Tile trackers to help cut down on auto thefts

Apple’s AirTags, albeit controversial at times, have gained a reputation for tracking objects and possessions well. Colorado’s police department is taking this one step further and has begun giving them away to help deter auto theft.

CBS Colorado shared a story on its YouTube channel yesterday about the recent Arvada, Colorado AirTag distribution (via AppleInsider). The report stated that police have begun distributing free AirTags and Tile trackers to members of the community. The first such giveaway just took place, and another is planned.

The trackers also include a sticker that can be placed on the vehicle to help ward off potential criminals. The sticker declares that police will be able to track the vehicle if it’s stolen since it’s ‘Tracker Equipped.’

The giveaway also requires the AirTag owner to share their vehicle location with authorities. There are no strings attached to the AirTag giveaway that gives police special tracking privileges.

Stay tuned for additional details as they become available.

Via 9to5Mac, AppleInsider, and CBS Colorado

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