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Apple testing expansion of Apple Maps within six Central European countries

Apple has apparently begun testing a major expansion of the redesigned and rebuilt Apple Maps experience to new users across Europe. With this expansion, Apple is now testing the new Apple Maps design in six new Central European countries…

The expansion was first spotted by Justin O’Beirne, a cartographer and Apple Maps expert.

O’Beirne stated that the new Apple Maps experience is now being publicly tested in the following countries:

  • Austria
  • Croatia
  • Czechia
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Slovenia

This marks the eighteenth time that Apple has expanded the availability of its Apple Maps date, which first launched with iOS in 2018.

O’Beirne offered the following comment:

Once Expansion #18 is released for all Apple Maps users, Apple’s new map will cover 21.6 percent of Earth’s land area and 11.7 percent of the global population (i.e., 927 million people worldwide) across thirty-two countries.

Apple touts that the new Apple Maps design gives users faster and more accurate navigation, improved detail, better road coverage, and more. Based on previous release timelines, O’Beirne expects the redesigned and rebuilt Apple Maps experience will officially launch in these six Central Europe countries sometime next month.

Stay tuned for additional details as they become available.

Via 9to5Mac and