News security Software

Apple releases Safari 6.0.2 update


You can’t knock a timely security update.

On Thursday, Apple released Safari 6.0.2, an update to its web browser. The new version, a 40.2 megabyte download, includes the following fixes and new features:

– Safari 6.0.2 is a security update for which complete details can be found here.

Safari 6.0.2 requires an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.7.5 or later to install and run and can also be located and downloaded via Mac OS X’s Software Update feature. If you’ve tried the new version and have any feedback to offer, please let us know.

One reply on “Apple releases Safari 6.0.2 update”

Initially, had problems d/l’ing last night & again today; then, switched connexion, & d/l was slow but AOK (included an iPhoto update, too). But, page rendering is now a *HOT MANGLED MESS*!

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