
Apple Releases AirPort Utility 5.4.2

Late Wednesday, Apple released version 5.4.2 of its AirPort Utility application for Mac OS X. The new version, a 16.9 megabyte download, provides the following fixes and changes:

  • An issue causing AirPort Utility to be unable to read certain AirPort wireless device configurations.
  • An issue causing AirPort Utility to sometimes be unable to discover an AirPort wireless device when Back To My Mac is enabled.
  • An issue causing AirPort Utility to sometimes be unable to download firmware.
  • An issue causing AirPort Utility to not correctly import Access Control Lists created in AirPort Admin Utility 4.x
  • Added the ability in AirPort Utility to show all wireless passwords in the “Equivalent Network Password” sheet.
  • AirPort Utility 5.4.2 requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later to install and run.