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Apple offers bonus trade-in credit until May 31st

Only one week after lowering its estimated trade-in values for many of its products, Apple has launched a bonus program until of the month. Until May 31st, the company is offering a bit more for its devices to make up for some of the shortfall.

The offer is valid in the U.S., U.K, Germany, Spain, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, India, and France until May 31.

Users trading in devices in the U.K. can receive up to 50 pounds more for specific iPhone and Pad models, and up to 30 pounds for Mac and Apple Watch devices. In the U.S., the bonuses are up to $50 for iPhones and iPads. Apple Watch trade-ins get an additional $40, and that Mac is worth an extra $10.

Upon trade-in, the bonus trade-in credit is automatically applied to Apple’s offer. As such, the estimated trade-in value for an iPhone 12 Pro Max goes up to $700, while the estimate goes up to $350 for an iPhone 12 mini. Certain iPads could be worth up to $695 via the trade-in credit, including the bonus.

All of this is also dependent on the condition of the advice in question. The offer is available at many Apple Store retail locations and users can also do it all online, mailing their device using a prepaid trade-in kit Apple sends along to them. With that route, users will either get the trade-in credit as a reduction in your monthly installment (if they pay with Apple Card), or it will be refunded to their original payment method if you they for the new device in full.

Stay tuned for additional details as they become available.

Via The Mac Observer and Apple