
Apple and Intel: A Compromise

So, it’s official. The dark side is here. We’re Intel’s bitches come 2006…

So, it’s official. The dark side is here. We’re Intel’s bitches come 2006. I get why, I get the marketing, the road map, the power and the heat issues. But why did I buy two Macs last year? Why did I see every Mac vs PC set up at Macworld keynote and say “yeah, hands down we beat the rest.” I own the computer for the rest of us. Forgive my nostalgia, forgive my need to have something different. Macs are not chipsets in the end, they’re just binary processors feeding off the zeros and ones. I am sure we’ll get used to it, look at us how many software updates have we managed in the last five years (anyone remember Copland?) Here we go again. How can a computer I just bought last another five years, when the chipset really won’t push the envelope on processor power and software enhancement. What a mishmash Apple. What a hedge bet. What a bloody compromise.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.