Over at the Yerba Buena Arts Center in San Francisco, the iPad 3 shall be launched.
Whether or not it will paint your living room while you play frisbee with your labrador retriever in the back yard has yet to be determined.
But, rest assured, we’ll be delivering every available speck of coverage that we can on the new iPad and anything else that may be released tomorrow.
In other news, I’ve briefly visited one of the more interesting circles of hell. Following a recent move to the Bay area and the discovery of a nifty place to live, I was tasked with installing an Xfinity cable modem kit. Where this should have been relatively simple, it took Comcast a total of 75 minutes to diagnose that the cable connections in the house have yet to be turned on or activated in any way…
Kind of amazing if you think about it.
In other news, take a few minutes and check out Xander Kent’s and Jackson McBrayer’s killer 6th Circle webcomic for all things that are wrong, demented, twisted and just plain funny as hell.
One reply on “Announcement: iPad 3 launch coverage tomorrow/the sixth circle of Comcast hell”
Sorry it took us long to diagnose the problem. I hope everything
is okay now. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.
Mark Casem
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations