
Aluminum PowerBook (15-inch) Battery Update v1.1

Apple today posted Aluminum PowerBook (15-inch) Battery Update v1.1 a 400kb firmaware patch that “aids the 15-inch Aluminum PowerBook battery in performing at full capacity.” Accroding to Apple knowledge base article 303035 (“Updating battery firmware for PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD) and some earlier PowerBooks”):

This firmware update is required to keep your battery life up to specification, may recover battery life in some batteries that have developed short run times, and in some cases can recover batteries that are not recognized by the system.

If your PowerBook requires the update, it will be available through Software Update (called “Aluminum PowerBook (15-inch) Battery Update”). You can also download it from Aluminum PowerBook (15-inch) Battery Update v1.1 a 400kb firmaware patch that “aids the 15-inch Aluminum PowerBook battery in performing at full capacity.” Accroding to Apple knowledge base article 303035 (“Updating battery firmware for PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD) and some earlier PowerBooks”):”>Apple Downloads.

Apple today posted Aluminum PowerBook (15-inch) Battery Update v1.1 a 400kb firmaware patch that “aids the 15-inch Aluminum PowerBook battery in performing at full capacity.” Accroding to Apple knowledge base article 303035 (“Updating battery firmware for PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD) and some earlier PowerBooks”):

This firmware update is required to keep your battery life up to specification, may recover battery life in some batteries that have developed short run times, and in some cases can recover batteries that are not recognized by the system.

If your PowerBook requires the update, it will be available through Software Update (called “Aluminum PowerBook (15-inch) Battery Update”). You can also download it from Aluminum PowerBook (15-inch) Battery Update v1.1 a 400kb firmaware patch that “aids the 15-inch Aluminum PowerBook battery in performing at full capacity.” Accroding to Apple knowledge base article 303035 (“Updating battery firmware for PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD) and some earlier PowerBooks”):”>Apple Downloads.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.