Every time my friends would come over to my place with their sub-sufficient, work-provided, lame Windows laptops, they were unable to jump onto my Apple AirPort (snow) base station.
Every time my friends would come over to my place with their sub-sufficient, work-provided, lame windows laptops, they were unable to jump onto my Apple AirPort (snow) base station. All of my cool, intelligent Mac friends were able to get on w/no problem. When all else fails, I called the Apple Care group and spoke to a genius. I forgot his name, but he was very familiar with windows and said to go to the Microsoft Web site and search for the article number 826942, then download either the 32- or 64-bit version. I downloaded the the 32-bit version for the Dell Lattitude, Windows XP, Service Pack 1 machine and it worked immediately! This update is specifically for Windows XP SP1. Another solution would be to just install the entire SP2 update, but that is significantly larger. This 826942 update is only 1 MB.