Apple on Wednesday released the first external betas of iOS 4.2, which will debut features like AirPlay and AirPrint for iOS devices while also delivering a slew of long-awaited bells and whistles for the iPad, including multi-tasking, folders and threaded mail. Per AppleInsider, a handful of more subtle refinements will ship along as well: The […]
Tag: Wi-Fi
If you’re looking for additional stores to purchase an iPad in, factor in Best Buy later this month. Per AppleInsider, the Best Buy retail chain will begin carrying Apple’s tablet on September 26th, amounting to 1,093 of the company’s U.S. retail locations selling Apple’s device. Best Buy announced the expansion on Tuesday, the same day […]
Apple announced on Monday that it will be releasing the Wi-Fi models of the iPad in China on Friday, September 17th. The iPads will be available from Apple Stores and selected Apple Authorized Resellers in the country, starting at 10:00 a.m. local time. Per Macworld, prices will start at CNY3988 (US$589) for the 16GB model, […]
Late last week, software developer Mark/Space released The Missing Sync for Palm OS 6.0.6, a 20.4 megabyte download (via MacUpdate). Like the other Missing Sync apps, Missing Sync for Android allows you to sync your Android devices music, photos, contacts and other data with your Mac. The new version adds the following fixes and changes: […]
Following something of a struggle to meet consumer demand for the iPad since it launched in April, estimated shipping times for new online orders have improved to within 24 hours, suggesting any production problems have been resolved. Per AppleInsider, new orders for the Wi-Fi-only and 3G-capable iPad, in all available storage capacities, now ship within […]