Apple Watch Rumor Wearables

Analyst predicts Apple will ship less than 15 million Apple Watch units by September, cites supply chain issues, softening demand

The Apple Watch’s supply chain could remain constricted for some time to come. Releasing a revised forecast note to investors, respected industry analyst Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities stated that the Apple Watch is likely to see less than 15 million units shipped through the end of September. In the note, he said that Apple […]

Apple Watch Hack iOS News Software

Hacker offers proof of concept of web browser running on Apple Watch

It’s hard to say whether you’ll want a web browser on your wrist, but the hack’s been sorter out. iOS developer Nicholas Allegra, better known by his handle “comex” within the jailbreaking community, presented a short video that shows a web browser running on the Apple Watch. The fifteen-second clip shows Allegra tapping, panning and […]

Apple Watch Hardware Rumor Wearables

Rumor: Apple Watch rollout slowed by faulty Taptic Engine component

This may be part of the reason for the delay/long shipping time for your Apple Watch. A report on Wednesday claims Apple discovered a serious flaw in certain vibrator mechanisms that power Apple Watch’s Taptic Engine, prompting completed units to be scrapped just prior to launch. Citing sources close to the story, a Wall Street […]

Hardware MacBook MacBook Air MacBook Pro News

Force Touch trackpad analyzed, first hands-on experiences posted

The Force Touch trackpad is apparently the trackpad that clicks back at you. That’s the way it’s being described, as the new trackpad isn’t the usual button that’s pressed during use, but a set of electromagnets that move enough to feel like there’s a click happening. The end result feels like a regular click, which […]

Developer MacBook Pro News Software Yosemite

Apple releases third OS X 10.10.3 beta to developers, focuses on Force Touch, other features

It’s the operating system betas that predict the way the wind if blowing. Apple on Thursday issued a number of new beta releases for developers, including an OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite beta with Force Touch trackpad support for third-party apps, as well as new betas of iOS 8.3, Xcode and OS X Server. The pre-release […]