Apple on Wednesday released its version 15.5.1 update for the HomePod and HomePod mini smart speakers. The update, which arrives only a week and a half after the launch of the 15.5 software for the HomePod, addresses an issue that could cause music to stop playing after a short time. HomePod software is installed automatically on […]
Tag: HomePod
Apple is apparently continuing to work on a project that would combine a HomePod-esque speaker, Apple TV functions, and a FaceTime camera, according to noted journalist Mark Gurman. In the Q&A section of his latest Power On newsletter, Gurman stated he “absolutely” believes a new HomePod is en route that would likely be “at the […]
Apple’s newest MacBook Pro notebooks as well as the third-generation AirPods became available online and in Apple retail stores on Tuesday, alongside the HomePod mini, which is available in new colors. The 2021 MacBook Pro comes in 14-inch and 16-inch models and sport the new M1 Max and M1 Pro processors. The notebooks start at […]
Two days after releasing iOS 14.7 to the public, Apple on Wednesday released iPadOS 14.7 to its user base. The update includes enhancements to the Podcasts app, bug fixes for Apple Music, and security improvements. The update offers the following fixes and changes: Apple Card family adds the option to combine credit limits and share […]
This might not be the best week for software updates. A number of users have begun to complain that their HomePod smart speakers have begun bricking after installing Apple’s recent 14.6 software release of the HomePod software. While the device itself has been discontinued for a few months now, there’s no actual reason why the […]