News Software

Apple releases OS X 10.8.3 build 12D74 to developer community

On the plus side, Apple’s getting somewhat closer to releasing OS X 10.8.3 to its user base. It’s still taking a while, though… Per the cool cats at 9to5Mac, Apple released OS X 10.8.3 build 12D74 to developers on Thursday with no major changes. Apple isn’t listing any known issues, and the company once again […]

News Software

Apple releases OS X 10.8.3 build 12D68 to developer community

They’re gotta be getting close to release at some point… Per MacNN, Apple on Thursday released the latest beta build of OS X 10.8.3, dubbed 12D68, to developers as the forthcoming update moves closer to public release. The most recent seed comes one week after the previous build 12D65 was rolled out with a fix […]

News Software

Adobe releases Flash Player 11.5.502.149 update

Late Thursday, Adobe released Flash Player 11.5.502.149 for Mac OS X, a 16.9 megabyte download via MacUpdate as a pre-release beta. The new version adds the following fixes and changes: – Firefox & Safari crash reported(3493470). Adobe Flash Player 11.5.502.149 requires an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.6 or later to install and run. […]

News security Software

Apple releases 11th OS X 10.8.3 build to developer community, pins down file bug

The betas, they just keep rolling in… Per The Mac Observer, Apple continued to extensively test the next maintenance update to OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion with the release of the tenth prerelease build of 10.8.3 to developers Wednesday. The build, 12D65, arrives one week after the previous build, 12D61. The latest build of 10.8.3 […]

News security Software

Apple quietly disables Oracle’s Java 7 Update 11 fix via XProtect anti-malware feature in OS X

When it comes to Java, there’s always an argument to be had between Apple and Oracle. Per MacGeneration, the recently released Java 7 Update 11 has been blocked by Apple through its XProtect anti-malware feature in OS X. Oracle issued the latest update to Java earlier this month to fix a serious zero-day security flaw. […]