The Apple Watch has gone through a number of teardowns since its release on April 24. The newest release from Chipworks has revealed the wearable to feature 512MB of RAM, a Broadcom Wi-Fi chip, an accelerometer/gyrometer from STMicroelectronics, 30 individual components inside the 26mm x 28mm S1 package, a feat Chipworks calls “quite an accomplishment.” […]
Tag: Samsung
Samsung will apparently be producing the A9 processor for Apple. A report released on Thursday confirmed that Apple is contracting Samsung to manufacture A-series processors expected for inclusion in next-generation iPhone handsets. Citing sources close to the story, Samsung is slated to fabricate Apple’s forthcoming system on chip design, potentially dubbed “A9,” bound for this […]
Remember all the grief Apple and iPhone 6 owners went through last fall when they found that the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus could be bent, thereby resulting in “Bendgate”? The same is apparently true for Samsung’s Galaxy S6 Edge smartphone and the HTC One M9. A recent video issued by third-party warranty firm SquareTrade […]
If you were curious as to the components of the recently upgraded 13-inch MacBook, iFixit’s got your answers. On Monday, Appleās 13-inch MacBook Pro received an update alongside a refreshed MacBook Air lineup and with it gets the new Force Touch trackpad that Apple debuted on its brand new 12-inch MacBook this week. The trackpad […]
When in doubt, compromise and settle. Apple is apparently in talks to settle a lawsuit filed by electric-car battery maker A123 Systems, which has charged the iPhone maker with poaching five of its employees to set up a new battery division. The lawsuit has added fuel to reports that Apple is getting into the electric-car […]