
Apple Releases iLife Support 9.0.2 Update

Late Thursday, Apple released its iLife Support 9.0.2 update, a four megabyte download designed to improve overall stability and addresses a number of other minor issues. The update is recommended for all users of Aperture, iLife 09, and iWork 09. Like most patches, the file can be located and installed via Mac OS X’s built-in […]

MacBook Pro Software

Apple Releases 17″ Unibody MacBook Pro Graphics Firmware 1.0 Update

Late Wednesday, Apple released its Graphics Firmware 1.0 update for its 17″ unibody MacBook Pro notebook. The update, a 770 kilobyte download, addresses the appearance of vertical lines or distorted graphics on the notebook display. Like other patches, the update can also be located and downloaded via Mac OS X’s built-in Software Update feature. If […]


TomTom Home Updated to

TomTom Home, the desktop/driver software for the TomTom GPS devices, reached version late Tuesday. The new version, a 42.4 megabyte download (courtesy of VersionTracker), offers the following bug fixes and new features: Link to our new online Route Planner. Fresh new menu icons. HOME now shows in the bottom right corner which TomTom device […]


Mozilla Releases Thunderbird, creators of the Firefox web browser, has just released version of Thunderbird, its free e-mail client. The new program, an 18.7 megabyte download, sports the following fixes and new features: Upgrade PNG library to fix memory safety hazards XML data theft via RDFXMLDataSource and cross-domain redirect Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv: […]


Elgato Releases EyeTV 3.1.2 Update

Late Sunday, Elgato Systems released version 3.1.1 of its EyeTV software application, which finds and tracks all television programming you want to see and allows users to pause live television and save content to file. The new version, which can be found here (and can also be found through EyeTV 3.0’s update feature), adds the […]