Microsoft on Thursday officially debuted its upcoming Windows 11 operating system, complete with an all new user interface, the ability to run Android apps from the Amazon App store, and more. The company said that the redesign puts a focus on productivity, social, and entertainment features. The new design places the Start menu in the […]
Tag: processor
A new report released by ever-reliable Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo on Wednesday helped enforce expectations for the next-gen iPhone SE. Kuo stated that the upcoming handset could feature 5G and an upgraded processor, as well as arrive in the first half of 2022. After 5G first arrived on Apple’s iPhone 12 lineup last fall, the […]
It’s nice to have component security for at least a couple years. Apple partner TSMC is reportedly de-prioritizing orders destined for PCs and servers orders, and is instead focusing on car manufacturers, and Apple’s needs. Following the company’s previous estimates that the impact of the current global chip shortage would last “a couple of years,” […]
The rumor mill is thinking that the next-gen iPhone will max out around 512GB of storage, along with other changes. Per Taiwanese research firm TrendForce, the company’s expectations for the “iPhone 12s” or “iPhone 13 are as follows: Apple will unveil four new iPhones in September, including a mini model, a standard model, and two […]
The rumors about a redesigned M1X-based MacBook Pro have been circulating for a while now, and per leaker Dylandkt, who has correctly predicted details about unreleased products in the past, Apple will launch new versions of the MacBook Pro in Q4 2021, along with an updated Mac mini. Per Dylan, Apple plans to introduce updated […]