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REvil hacking group publishes purported Macbook schematics, demands $50 million ransom to prevent further leaks

This seems like a pretty good way to get sued into oblivion provided Apple catches you. On Tuesday, and apparently timed with Apple’s “Spring Loaded” media even, the hacking ground behind REvil ransomware claims to have secret device schematics hacked from Quanta Computer. Quanta Computer functions as a longtime supplier that assembles Apple products based […]

Apple Business Hardware Health iPhone News retail

Apple’s Chinese suppliers look to restart full iPhone production by February 10th, despite coronavirus concerns

Plans are being formed to ensure that the iPhones continue being produced at full-scale production rates by February 10, despite the presence of the coronavirus in China: Foxconn’s Hon Hai, the most important manufacturer for the U.S. company, said Tuesday it still expects to be able to restart facilities throughout China on schedule, according to […]

Hardware Intel MacBook Pro Processors Rumor security

Rumor: FoxConn to take on additional MacBook Pro orders in 2018, no plans for a major update this year

It looks like Apple could be using assembly partner FoxConn for an increased production of its MacBook Pro notebooks. A current rumor from the upstream supply chain states that while Apple may not be planning a major update to its MacBook Pro notebook line this year, Apple will be shifting a major portion of its […]

Apple Apple Watch Hardware Rumor Uncategorized Wearables

Rumor: Apple to debut next-gen Apple Watch later this year, will take two-generation approach to models available

The current rumor has it that Apple will continue to sell the Series 2 Apple Watch as well as release the unit, dubbed the “Series 3”, thereby offering a choice of two generations of Apple Watch at different price points. According to inside sources, Quanta will remain the sole supplier of the Series 3 Apple […]

Apple Watch Rumor

Rumor: Second-gen Apple Watch will enter mass production in Q2 of 2016, Quanta cited as sole manufacturer

The source has a mixed track record, but the rumor is pretty interesting. A new rumor has it that the second-generation Apple Watch will go into mass production in the second quarter of 2016, with Quanta Computer remaining as the sole manufacturer. Apple had apparently considered placing some orders with Foxconn, its main manufacturing partner, […]