News Software

Carbon Copy Cloner updated to 3.4.4

Late Tuesday, Carbon Copy Cloner, the shareware favorite for drive cloning operations by Mike Bombich, reached version 3.4.4. The new version, a 6 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: – Made several changes to the preset configurations. Both the wording and some of the settings have been changed in response to user feedback […]

News Software

Winclone 2.1.2 Utility Out the Door

You know, I haven’t heard of this, but it looks useful. Over the weekend, developer released version 2.1.2 of Winclone, the company’s backup utility that allows users to make a quick clone of their Boot Camp partition as well as restore from that image. The new version, a two megabyte download, fixes a minor […]


TechTool Pro 5.0.4 Released

Over the weekend, Micromat released version 5.0.4 of TechTool Pro, its best-selling utility software for the Mac. The new version offers features and changes such as the eDrive, which allows users to create an emergency startup partition that includes TechTool Pro on one of your hard drives without the need to reinitialize your hard drive. […]