When in doubt, there’s always some interesting stuff in the logs. Per the cool cats at MacRumors and his own blog, developer Marco Arment he noticed the two “curious entries” in Instapaper’s device stats on Friday, positing the device identifiers could offer clues to the supposed tablets’ internal hardware. As a side note, Arment said, […]
Tag: logs
Onyx, Titanium Software’s popular freeware multifunction utility for Mac OS X, has been updated to version 2.4.7. The new version, a 20.5 megabyte download adds the following fixes and changes: – Reset the volume positions on the Desktop. – Deleting the Internet Cache improved. – Deleting the logs improved. – Parameters > Spotlight pane improved. […]
Onyx, Titanium Software’s popular freeware multifunction utility for Mac OS X, has been updated to version 2.4.6. The new beta, a 20.5 megabyte download adds the following fixes and changes: – New version integrates of sqlite3. – Changes the background image of login window and also works with OS X 10.7.4. – Changes the […]
Onyx, Titanium Software’s popular freeware multifunction utility for Mac OS X, has been updated to version 2.4.6 beta 3. The new beta, an 18.2 megabyte download adds the following fixes and changes: – New version integrates 3.7.12 of sqlite3. – Changes the background image of login window and also works with OS X 10.7.4. – […]
Onyx, Titanium Software’s popular freeware multifunction utility for Mac OS X, has been updated to version 2.4.5. The new version, a 16.5 megabyte download adds the following fixes and changes: – Deleting the internet cache improved. – Deleting the logs improved. – Deleting the fonts cache improved. – Deleting the applications cache improved. – Set […]