News Software

Adobe Creative Cloud updated to

In as much as Adobe’s Creative Cloud client has taken some abuse, it’s getting some updates. On Thursday, Adobe released version of its control hub software for its Creative Cloud suite. The new version, a 2 MB download, offers the following fixes and changes: – You can now install older versions of Adobe products […]

News Software

Google Earth updated to

Late Monday, software giant Google released version of its popular Google Earth program. The new version, a 45 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: – We have included another fix for the unified_cache_leveldb_leveldb2 directory filling beyond specified cache limits for some Windows and Macintosh users. – Imagery no longer stays blurry upon […]

News Software

Adobe releases Photoshop CS 6 13.0.5 update

A decent update goes a long way. On Wednesday, Adobe released version 13.0.5 of its Photoshop CS6 image editing program. The new version, a 135.5 megabyte download (via MacUpdate), offers the following fixes and changes: – When a transformed type layer’s point size is changed, the end result should be as if there was no […]

News Software

Apple releases iPhoto 9.4.3 update

Never knock an iPhoto update, as huge as they may be. On Tuesday, Apple released its iPhoto 9.4.3 update. The update, a 759 megabyte

News Software

QuarkXPress updated to

Late Friday, software developer Quark released version of its QuarkXPress design application. The 9.4 megabyte update, which can be downloaded here, adds the following changes: – Free update for QuarkXPress 9. – Adds the ability to create page stacks in HTML5 based apps created with the new App Studio. – Fixes a bug regarding […]