It may look exactly the same as its previous generation, but some oomph has been added. Per Macworld, Apple unveiled a new Apple TV model on Wednesday, with support for 1080p video and a new user interface, at a special event in San Francisco. The new Apple TV model features a redesigned user interface with […]
Tag: San Francisco
If a picture’s worth a thousand words, a video’s worth even more. Following its iPad 3 press event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, Apple quickly posted streaming video of the event. The keynote was hosted by Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook, and featured presentations by other members of the […]
Even if you’re one of the largest tech companies on earth, you never quite control when a soon-to-be-launched product’s accessory line arrives. Per, a number of Best Buy stores have reportedly begun to receive cases sealed in boxes for Apple’s third-generation iPad ahead of Wednesday’s anticipated unveiling. The cases have shipped in boxes with […]
As nifty as rumors tend to be, it helps to hear the truth from the horse’s mouth. Per AppleInsider, Apple on Tuesday sent out official invitations for a media event to be held next Wednesday, March 7, in San Francisco where it is expected to introduce its next-generation iPad. The March 7 event will be […]
If you’re going to hold an event, hold it somewhere awesome. Per AppleInsider, Apple is rumored to be holding its iPad 3 launch event in New York next week. The new unit will feature a quad-core processor and 4G LTE connectivity, financial news network CNBC claimed on Tuesday, though the report was immediately disputed. In […]