News Software

Apple updates iWork suite for iPad, adds new features for iOS 4.2

Amid yesterday’s update-o-rama, Apple also released updates for its three iWork apps for the iPad: Pages, Numbers and Keynote to add support for iOS 4.2. The updates add wireless printing via AirPrint and support for iOS 4.2 multitasking and Numbers also adds a print preview feature to allow users to adjust how a sheet will […]

MacBook MacBook Pro News Software

Users report mirrored display bug in Mac OS X 10.6.3

Mac OS X 10.6.3 has worked out fairly well and my living room carpet has yet to spontaneously catch fire as a result of installing it, but an ongoing issue with the operating system version seems to corrupt graphics on external displays when you present in full screen with “mirrored” displays. In routine situations, the […]

iPad Opinion Software

Opinion: iPad – iWork (NOT)

If you are planning on buying an iPad to be a portable editing device for your iWork content – think twice. The Apple Discussion boards are all aflutter with teachers and professors who hoped they could leave their laptops in the office and only take their new iPads to the lecture hall.


Apple Releases iWork ’09 9.0.3 Update

Late Monday, Apple released version 9.0.3 of its iWork ’09 productivity suite. The update, a 59.6 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: – Addresses general compatibility issues, improves overall stability, updates the help, and fixes a number of other minor issues in Keynote, Pages, and Numbers. – Reducing file size of images that […]

iPhone News

AT&T Cripples iPhone 3GS By Not Offering Features At Launch

Today’s WWDC Keynote brought some surprises, and some disappointments. Perhaps the announcement generating the most vocal jeers was that AT&T would not be offering MMS and tethering services even though the iPhone’s 3.0 software was ready to support it. The iPod Observer reported in a report that AT&T spokesperson, Mark Siegel, indicated that tethering would […]