Apple unveiled its long-awaited 16-inch MacBook Pro today featuring a larger, 16-inch Retina display, a redesigned Magic keyboard, 100Wh battery, better microphones and speakers. Apple claims it offers 80 percent better performance than previous models. Notable features of the new MacBook Pro 16: 16-inch Retina display Magic keyboard (1mm travel) 100Wh battery (US FAA maximum) […]
Tag: Announcement
Apple on Tuesday announced that the company will be launching its Apple Arcade video game subscription service on September 19th. The games span Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, and Mac, the service itself retailing for $4.99 per month. This includes up to six members in your family, and users can try Apple Arcade via a one-month […]
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Labor Day here in the United States and the staff of O’Grady’s PowerPage will be taking the day to spend time with friends, family, and amazing food. We suggest you do the same. Enjoy the day, detach from your Macs and your devices a bit, head out to a party or […]
Apple announced its Q3 2019 numbers today, citing $53.8 billion in revenue, its services division reaching a new high. The revenues are up one percent year-on-year from the same quarter in 2018, which saw revenue of $53.3 billion. “This was our biggest June quarter ever — driven by all-time record revenue from Services, accelerating growth […]
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s the Fourth of July and we here at the PowerPage will be taking the day off to celebrate the holiday. We encourage you to do the same. That being said, enjoy the holiday, spend time with friends and family, eat some amazing food, watch some fireworks, get away from your devices […]