Late Friday, Apple announced its 13-inch MacBook Pro (non Touch Bar) Battery Replacement Program. The company said a component failure may lead to battery expansion, and that affected devices can get their battery replaced. Apple offered the following comment as to the replacement program: “Apple has determined that, in a limited number of 13-inch MacBook […]
Tag: 2016
A number of iPhone 8 owners who had their screens replaced with third party aftermarket screens have found that the iOS 11.3 software update essentially killed their devices. Per a report published on Tuesday by Motherboard, the release of iOS 11.3 has killed the touch functionality in “thousands” of iPhone 8 devices with screens repaired […]
Even if Apple might be moving away from Intel’s chips for its future, Intel is still releasing some cool hardware worth of your consideration. The processor manufacturer on Tuesdayintroduced a range of new eighth-generation Core processors appropriate for future MacBook Pro, Mac mini, and iMac models. The company also introduced the first-ever Core i9 processor […]
Your fingerprint is your fingerprint, even if you’re not among the living. A new report released on Thursday revealed that U.S. law enforcement agencies have indeed used the fingers of corpses to unlock iPhones and obtain evidence. These efforts are said to date back to November 2016, when the FBI attempted to use the finger […]
Apple could be looking to fight keyboard chow/keyboard debris in its forthcoming keyboard designs. A recently published patent from 2016 shows how Apple could make its Butterfly keyboard technology more resistant to various crumb and dust particles that make their way underneath the keyboard design. The company refers to this as “ingress prevention” and explains […]