If you’re in the EU and looking for an alternative marketplace for iPhone and iPad games, you might like this.
Following Apple’s agreement to allow sideloading of apps in the EU through App Marketplaces, Skich has raised as a platform for discovering new mobile games within the European Union.
With Skich Store, users can not only download games from third-party developers, but also find suggestions for new games based on what they like. At present, the storefront offers a recommendation system built around more than 240 game genres, 14 times more than the App Store, allowing players to find titles that match their interests. The storefront also features a discoverability system similar to dating apps, wherein you can swipe right to save games that look interesting to you or swipe left to skip them. Skich also provides lists of games and social interactions, so you can see what your friends are playing and recommending.
Finally, the app also helps players find games available on Apple’s App Store, offering developers additional exposure.
The Skich Store app can now be downloaded on iOS from the company’s website. Given that it requires sideloading, only iPhone and iPad users in the EU can install the new App Marketplace. The original Skich app for finding new games is available globally on Apple’s App Store.
If you’ve had a chance to try Skich, please let us know what you make of it in the comments.