Apple has apparently begun informing retail store employees of its plan to open some Apple Store retail locations that have been closed twice over due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
While there’s no exact word of which locations will be reopening at this time, employees have been informed to expect imminent store openings this week. Following the initial COVID-19 lockdown, Apple began reopening locations back in May, but shuttered them again in late June and early July as outbreaks spiked.
As with other store locations that have reopened or remained open amid the pandemic, Apple is implementing safety measures. Masks will be required inside the store and the number of people allowed inside the store at one time will be limited to allow for social distancing.
Apple currently conducts temperature checks, but has also rearranged stores to retain distance between employees, and conducts frequent cleanings. The majority of the stores that will be reopening will operate on an appointment-only basis for the immediate future, according to sources close to the story.
Over the last few months, Apple has been forced to close down more than 100 of its retail locations. During the closures, retail employees have been reassigned to online sales and support positions. Reassigned workers will remain in those roles at the current time, but Apple has warned that they could be moved back to their retail stores based on the needs of each individual location.
The company is said to be gearing up for fall product launches, which will include the debut of new iPhones, Apple Watches, iPads, Macs, and more.
Stay tuned for additional details as they become available.