Hot on the heels of muchos other updates, Apple has released iTunes 12.1.2.
The new version, a 120 megabyte download, improves syncing to your iOS devices from the newly-released Photos for OS X. The update also adds several improvements to the Get Info window and improves overall application stability.
iTunes 12.1.2 requires a Mac running OS X 10.7.5 or later to install and run.
If you’ve tried the new version and have any feedback to offer, let us know in the comments.
3 replies on “Apple releases iTunes 12.1.2 update”
Apple releases iTunes 12.1.2 update – O’Grady’s Power Page (blog): Apple releases iTunes 12.1.2 update O’Grady’s…
Apple releases iTunes 12.1.2 update:
@JasonCox Here you go, even if a day late.