
The Apple Core: Fun with iChat AV

chatfx.jpgJudging by my column the past couple of days you’d think that I didn’t like iChat AV or something. Au contraire! I only point out it’s deficiencies because I think that video conferencing is nothing short of revolutionary and I want Apple to invest more R&D into iChat so that more people will start using the tiny cameras embedded in their machines rather than less… Click through to read about a must-have plug-in for iChat AV that allows you to enhance your video chat with Quartz Composer effects.
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

chatfx.jpgJudging by my column the past couple of days you’d think that I didn’t like iChat AV or something. Au contraire! I only point out it’s deficiencies because I think that video conferencing is nothing short of revolutionary and I want Apple to invest more R&D into iChat so that more people will start using the tiny cameras embedded in their machines rather than less… Click through to read about a must-have plug-in for iChat AV that allows you to enhance your video chat with Quartz Composer effects.
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.