Amid yesterday’s update-o-rama, Apple also released updates for its three iWork apps for the iPad: Pages, Numbers and Keynote to add support for iOS 4.2. The updates add wireless printing via AirPrint and support for iOS 4.2 multitasking and Numbers also adds a print preview feature to allow users to adjust how a sheet will print across multiple pages. The PDF export from Numbers will also respect any pagination settings created in the print preview.
According to iLounge, Numbers users can also now enter formulas using a keyboard and the predictive function selector. Keynote 1.3 adds an enhanced presenter display that now allows users to see the current slide, the next slide or their notes when connected to an external display. Keynote users can also now import and add presenter notes to slides from within the app. The update also improves reliability when importing and exporting iWork for Mac and Microsoft Office documents, fixes issues related to WebDAV and adds additional localizations for Portuguese, Danish, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish and Traditional Chinese. Pages, Numbers and Keynote are sold individually from the App Store for US$10 each.
If you’ve played with the new version of the iWorks suite on the iPad, please let us know what you made of it.
One reply on “Apple updates iWork suite for iPad, adds new features for iOS 4.2”
Still trying to access the new control panel. Any help?