Hardware iPad iPhone Rumor

Rumor: Apple acquires InVisage, purchases possible image technologies for use in upcoming camera systems

Apple has reportedly snagged yet another image technology company, or at least hired some of its core staff away. Per Image Sensors World, two anonymous sources claimed that Apple may have acquired InVisage. The blog highlighted that InVisage is no longer listed as a current investment in the portfolios of venture capital firms Nokia Growth […]

Apple Music battery Developer iCloud News Software watchOS

Supposed watchOS 4.1 GM notes released, include music streaming over LTE, other changes

The golden master release notes for watchOS 4.1 apparently leaked out on Wednesday, the update list confirming that streaming support will arrive for Apple Music and iCloud Music Library. The notes, posted to Twitter by developer Guilherme Rambo, include a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes slated to debut when watchOS 4.1 sees […]