It looks like Apple Pay is en route to the Ukraine come next year. An Alfa-Bank executive stated that Apple Pay should arrive in the Ukraine in the second quarter of 2018. The head of Alfa-Bank Ukraine’s e-business, Maxim Patrin, cited an anonymous source from one of the payment systems operating in the country. Alfa-Bank […]
Month: May 2017
If you’re hankering for an insane next-gen processor that might one day find its way into the Mac, it’s about here. Intel today has announced its new family of Intel Core processors. Titled as Intel Core X-Series, the new high-end desktop processors are the next step in Intel’s processor family. The units range from $242 […]
When the shipping times slip, odds are something new is around the corner. Apple has changed the shipping times for current 15-inch MacBook Pro orders placed today, the new estimates offering free delivery between June 6-8 in the United States, coinciding with its Worldwide Developers Conference next week. This delay lends support to the rumor […]
This is kind of neat. In a recent update to Apple Maps’ data, Apple has included enhanced coverage of the Apple Park campus, the app now displaying 3D building models, walkways and other points of interest across the sprawling grounds. The new data includes a comprehensive “Map” video with highly detailed 3D building models, guides […]
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Memorial Day and the staff of O’Grady’s PowerPage will be taking the day off to spend time with friends and family as well as pay respect to our nation’s veterans for their service. We’ll be back tomorrow, so get together with some friends, put the Macs and devices aside for a […]