Amazon Google Hardware Rumor Samsung

Rumor: Apple said to be among corporations bidding to acquire Toshiba’s NAND unit

Apple may just be in a bidding war for Toshiba’s NAND memory unit. A report from the Korean Herald states that Apple, Amazon, Google and others are in a war for Toshiba’s NAND memory division, which accounts for 20 percent of the NAND market. There are reported to be 10 bidders in total, although specific […]

Hack News security Software

LastPass exploit discovered, company scrambles to repair the vulnerability

A serious vulnerability was recently discovered in the popular LassPass password manager and developers are scrambling to fix the issue which makes it possible for malicious websites to steal user passcodes and in some cases execute malicious code on computers running the program. The flaw, which affects the most recent version of the browser extension, […]